The Foundation has two Representative Councils (MR) aligned to the International School Eindhoven. One for primary education and one for secondary education.
The MR (medezeggenschapsraad) is a consultative council, where the school leadership consults elected representatives of staff and parents over matters concerning the school. The MR’s have their own responsibilities and authority based upon the WMS (Wet Medezeggenschap op School) however, they work closely together and regularly consult and meet the representatives from the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board.
The agendas and meeting records can be requested from the secretary of the MR-VO by emailing mr-vo@stedelijkcollege.nl.
MR-PO meeting minutes can be found here.
PMR Minutes – 22 February 2024
Please contact the MR-PO at mrprimary@isecampus.nl if you have any further questions.
Legal Status
The MR holds, according to Dutch legislation, two types of rights. Matters in which either right can be used are specified.
• Right of Advice – in matters such as the vacation calendar, recruitment of key staff members etc. The ISE Director and Board have to formally respond to any advice given but are not obliged to accept it.
• Right of Agreement – in matters affecting the ISE learning principles, regulations, curriculum, fees etc. The ISE Director and Board have to seek formal agreement from the MR to implement a proposed decision.