Frequently Asked Questions

Separator small

  • A passion for life‐long learning
  • A well‐rounded educational experience
  • Preparation for an ever‐changing world and the transferable skills to embrace a vision of the future
  • A qualification that is highly respected worldwide
  • A cross‐cultural, practical, multi‐disciplinary and student‐centred curriculum
  • Time management and study skills

The International Baccalaureate (IB) assesses student work as direct evidence of achievement against the stated goals of the DP courses.

The Diploma Programme goals provide students with:

  • a broad and balanced, yet academically demanding, programme of study
  • the development of critical‐thinking and reflective skills
  • the development of research skills
  • the development of independent learning skills
  • the development of intercultural understanding
  • a globally recognized university entrance qualification.

Diploma Programme assessment procedures measure the extent to which students have mastered advanced academic skills in fulfilling these goals.

For example:

  • analysing and presenting information
  • evaluating and constructing arguments
  • solving problems creatively.

Basic skills are also assessed, including:

  • retaining knowledge
  • understanding key concepts
  • applying standard methods

Students take written examinations at the end of the programme, which are marked by external IB examiners. Students also complete assessment tasks in the school, which are either initially marked by teachers and then moderated by external moderators, or sent directly to external examiners.

Each subject studied at Higher level represents approximately 240 teaching hours and subjects studied at Standard level represent approximately 150 teaching hours. Students will need to spend an additional 18 hours per week outside of classroom instruction ( 3.5 hours for each Higher level subject and 2.5 hours for each Standard level). Learning at home varies – and can include rough drafting and final drafting of written assignments, making notes, reading and/or additional research, and preparing for oral assignments and/or presentations. It is expected that students spend an additional two hours on home learning approximately.

The IB Diploma is awarded to students who gain at least 24 points – subject to certain minimum levels of performance across the whole programme, and to satisfactory participation in the Creativity, Activity, Service requirement. The highest total that a Diploma Programme student can be awarded is 45 points. (6 x 7+ 3 core points for EE/TOK=45)

There are three parts of the Diploma Programme which are compulsory for all students following the full Diploma Programme:

  • the study of a Theory Of Knowledge (TOK) course
  • a 4000 word Extended Essay (EE) on a subject of your choice
  • participation in a wide range of activities as part of Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS).

A candidate may opt for a second group 1 subject instead of a group 2 subject.

A bilingual diploma will be awarded to a successful candidate:

  • who has completed two languages selected from group 1 with the award of a grade 3 or higher in both.
  • who has completed one of the subjects from group 3 or group 4 in a language that is not the same as the candidate’s nominated group 1 language

The ISE can offer three sciences under the following IB regulation:

The candidate is to apply for a non-regular IB diploma, thus allowing three sciences to be completed, usually in lieu of a group 3 (Individuals and societies) subject. A candidate may be authorized to take a non-regular diploma only if the proposed higher education course allows no other alternative. The student must contact the IB coordinator at the school to proceed with this request. Please note that this request must be submitted to the IB organization (via the IB DP coordinator) at least 18 months prior to the examinations. (“Recognition of the IB Diploma”, International Baccalaureate, 2015)

A student who wishes to take three sciences must meet the IB regulations and subsequently ensure the following:

  • Obtaining a consistent minimum level 6 out of 7 as an overall grade in the sciences throughout each reporting period for MP4 and MP5.
  • Within the grade above, obtaining a consistent grade 6/8 for criterion A (knowing and understanding) and criterion C (processing and evaluating).
  • Obtain a proof of necessity from potential university for three sciences for chosen course of study prior to the start of DP1.

The table below summarizes the progression from MP5 Mathematics to Diploma Mathematics:

MP5 Maths Class

• Extended

• 2nd Term Mark

  • 7 –> Analysis and Approaches HL
  • 6 –> Applications and Interpretation HL
  • 5 –> Analysis and Approaches SL
  • 4 –> Applications and Interpretation SL

• Standard

• 2nd Term Mark

  • 6 (with Criterion A mark of 6) –> Applications and Interpretation HL
  • 5 –> Analysis and Approaches SL
  • 4 –> Applications and Interpretation SL

The ISE could offer Pamoja Courses as a seventh subject if there is a particular course not on offer which is needed for university entry. This is at an additional cost to families. Courses that are taught at the ISE cannot be taken as a Pamoja course instead. Pamoja courses are reported on separately by Pamoja teachers and are not part of the ISE Managebac reporting process. The ISE Diploma Coordinator monitors Pamoja course progress.

  • Are taught online by experienced teachers trained in digital learning strategies
  • Follow IB course guides and meet IB course requirements
  • Are taught in accordance with The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice
  • Feature practice examinations to prepare students for IB external exams
  • Require approximately the same amount of study time as face-to-face higher and standard level courses

A student who wishes to take a Pamoja course should evidence:

  • Consistent positive CC skills (M or E) on the MP5 reports
  • Necessity for future study
  • Motivation for learning independently

The school aims to ensure academic success for each student and will carefully consider the whole student profile in accepting any application for Pamoja courses.