Primary International
We use an innovative thematic-based approach to teach our foundation subjects; these include Science, Geography, History, Design Technology, Music, Art and Instructional Technology. Our core subjects, Maths and Literacy, are taught using a rigorous curriculum plan which is integrated into the theme where possible. International mindedness, the understanding and appreciation for different viewpoints, cultures, and ways of being, is a major part of how we approach instruction; from the inclusion of home languages in the classroom to working to solve global issues using design thinking; we strive to prepare our students to be caring and resilient leaders of the future.
Our instruction meets the standards of the National Primary Curriculum from England.
To read more about some of our curriculum and instructional approach, please see these policies:
International Department Literacy Policy
International Department Mathematics Policy
Home Learning Policy Primary Department Home Learning Policy
All students have gym lessons once a week with a specialist teacher and once a week with their class teacher. Students also visit our beautiful library once a week, which includes a lesson with a member of our library team.
Students have the opportunity to continue to develop their home language through after school lessons and there are additional after school activities such as coding, foreign language lessons, drama, choir, and more through our extensive after school activity programme.
More information is available here.
We have a variety of staff members who specialise in supporting students to be successful across the curriculum, whether this is to provide additional help for students who have learning needs, instruct and support new learners of English, or extend the curriculum for advanced learners. If you have any questions about the Primary Curriculum you can contact our Primary Leaders for Learning.
We care about our world
We strive to be caring members of our community and the environment. In 2015, UN member states adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as high-quality education for all, gender equality, good health, and well-being.
In the Primary International Department, students incorporate art, history, ICT, design, science, maths, and literacy into the objectives of these Global Missions that need to be addressed. The exhibitions of their hard work are always informative, but also fun.
Nova Kuriakose
Secondary MP1 Student
Speaks Malayalam, English, and Dutch
ഹലോ, I’m Nova, I’ve been at the ISE for a number of years.
Learning here is a lot of fun! We get to practise and understand concepts through games and activities. My absolute favourites are sculpting and painting. This year, as part of our global missions, I made a sculpture of a dinosaur. They’re my third favourite animal, after pandas and narwhals. I’m also part of the student council, so I get to help make school fun for everyone.
Primary Departments, starting in Group 1, students receive a report card 3 times per year. The 1st report is given out in the autumn and covers the student’s social and emotional development. The 2nd report in the spring and the 3rd report at the end of the year provide information about the student’s academic development.