Group 5: Mathematics

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Subject Outline

Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches is designed for students who enjoy developing their mathematics to become fluent in the construction of mathematical arguments and develop strong skills in mathematical thinking. They will explore real and abstract applications, sometimes with technology, and will enjoy the thrill of mathematical problem solving and generalization.

Assessment Overview

Both Higher and Standard level students follow the core mathematics course and complete the internal assessment. Higher level students will complete additional content in most topics, with specific focus on calculus.


External Assessment: 80%

Paper 1: 30% No technology allowed. Short‐response and extended‐response questions based on the compulsory core of the syllabus.

Paper 2: 30% Technology required. Short‐response and extended‐response questions based on the compulsory core of the syllabus.

Paper 3: 20% Technology required. Extended‐response problem-solving questions.

Mathematical Exploration: 20% An individual exploration. This is a piece of written work that involves investigating an area of interest with mathematics. (20 marks)



External Assessment: 80%

Paper 1: 40% No technology allowed. Short‐response and extended‐response questions based on the compulsory core of the syllabus.

Paper 2: 40% Technology required. Short‐response and extended‐response questions based on the compulsory core of the syllabus.

Mathematical Exploration: 20% An individual exploration. This is a piece of written work that involves investigating an area of interest with mathematics. (20 marks)


Skills Gained on the Course

  • The ability to select, use and apply mathematical facts, strategies and techniques in a variety of contexts and problem‐solving situations
  • Ability to use standard mathematical models to represent situations in the real world and interpret the results
  • Understanding of mathematical arguments and the ability to communicate them using appropriate mathematical vocabulary
  • Using a graphic calculator as a mathematical tool.

And beyond…

Mathematics develops students’ analytical skills and is appropriate to a wide range of careers and science‐based courses at tertiary education level and is held in universally high regard. Particularly relevant careers include, Computing, Engineering, and Architecture.

Mathematics Analysis and Approaches is designed for students with competence, interest and a strong background in mathematics. Students who choose this course genuinely enjoy meeting its challenges and problems and wish to prepare for either additional mathematics studies at university, or physics, engineering and technology.

Keys to Success

Thinking: Enjoy mathematics and solving challenging mathematics problems. Relate knowledge from different mathematical areas and apply it to solve problems. Work confidently with numeric and algebraic expressions. To be versatile in applying different methods to answer questions.

Communication: Be able to find and exploit patterns in algebraic and numerical expressions. Appreciate and understand conceptual notation, such as algebraic or trigonometric notations. Create logical arguments based on mathematical facts.

Social: Be active in the lessons, ask questions and participate in discussions.

Self-Management: Be motivated to work hard, and challenge your understanding of complex mathematical concepts. Have the discipline to complete homework and to validate understanding.

Research: Willingness to research areas of mathematics or applications of mathematics outside the standard course material for assessment. To be able to translate real life questions into mathematics and interpret the results.

Subject Specific: Be confident in using your graphic display calculator​

DP Admission Criteria

Standard Level

The overall report grade on the second report is decisive.
Mathematics (extended) class with a 2nd Term report grade of 5 or higher.
Mathematics (standard) class with a 2nd Term report grade of 5 or higher.
Higher Level

The overall report grade on the second report is decisive.
Mathematics (extended) class with a 2nd Term report grade of 7.

Subject Outline

Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation is designed for students who are interested in developing their mathematics for describing our world and modeling and solving practical problems using the power of technology. Students who take Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation will be those who enjoy mathematics best when seen in a practical context.

Assessment Overview

Both Higher and Standard level students follow the core mathematics course and complete the internal assessment. Higher level students will complete additional content in most topics, with specific focus on statistics and discrete mathematics.


External Assessment: 80%

Paper 1: 30% Technology required. Short‐response questions based on the compulsory core of the syllabus.

Paper 2: 30% Technology required. Extended‐response questions based on the compulsory core of the syllabus.

Paper 3: 20% Technology required. Extended‐response problem-solving questions.

Mathematical Exploration: 20% An individual exploration. This is a piece of written work that involves investigating an area of interest with mathematics. (20 marks)


External Assessment: 80%

Paper 1: 40% Technology required. Short‐response questions based on the compulsory core of the syllabus.

Paper 2: 40% Technology required. Extended‐response questions based on the compulsory core of the syllabus.

Mathematical Exploration: 20% An individual exploration. This is a piece of written work that involves investigating an area of interest with mathematics. (20 marks)


Skills Gained on the Course

  • The ability to select, use and apply mathematical facts, strategies and techniques in a variety of contexts and problem‐solving situations
  • Ability to use standard mathematical models to represent situations in the real world and interpret the results
  • Understanding of mathematical arguments and the ability to communicate them using appropriate mathematical vocabulary
  • Using a graphic calculator as a mathematical tool.

And beyond…

Mathematics develops students’ analytical skills and is appropriate to a wide range of careers and science‐based courses at tertiary education level and is held in universally high regard.

Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation is designed for students who enjoy describing the real world and solving practical problems using mathematics; those who are interested in harnessing the power of technology alongside exploring mathematical models and enjoy the more practical side of mathematics.


Keys to Success

Thinking: Enjoy mathematics and solving challenging mathematics problems with the use of technology. Relate knowledge from different mathematical areas and apply it to solve real world problems. Work confidently with numeric and algebraic expressions. To be versatile in applying different methods to answer questions.

Communication: Be able to find and exploit patterns in algebraic and numerical expressions. Organise your work well, set out calculations clearly, and bring maths equipment to class. Be able to use IT to create tables and graphs to show statistical data.

Social: Be active in the lessons, ask questions and participate in discussions.

Self-Management: Be motivated to work hard and challenge your understanding of complex mathematical concepts. Have the discipline to complete homework and to validate understanding.

Research: Willingness to research areas of mathematics or applications of mathematics outside the standard course material for assessment. To be able to translate real life questions into mathematics and interpret the results.

Subject Specific: Be confident in using your graphic display calculator​.


DP Admission Criteria

Standard Level

The overall report grade on the second report is decisive.
Mathematics (extended) class with a 2nd Term report grade of 4 or higher.
Mathematics (standard) class with a 2nd Term report grade of 4 or higher.
Higher Level

The overall report grade on the second report is decisive.
Mathematics (extended) class with a 2nd Term report grade of 6 or higher.
Mathematics (standard) class with a 2nd Term report grade of 6 or higher with a Criterion A mark of 6 or higher.

Progression from MYP to DP

The table below summarizes the progression from MP5 Mathematics to Diploma Mathematics:

MP5 Maths Class

Extended 2nd Term Mark

7 –> Analysis and Approaches HL
6 –> Applications and Interpretation HL
5 –> Analysis and Approaches SL
4 –> Applications and Interpretation SL

Standard 2nd Term Mark

6 –>(with Criterion A mark of 6) –> Applications and Interpretation HL
5 –> Analysis and Approaches SL
4 –> Applications and Interpretation SL